Search for the Holy Grain

News from the Philmont Community Bakery.

Without zinc, you can't think”

Did you know that zinc is an important brain nutrient? Did you also know that wheat (and spelt maybe even more) supplies this and other important brain nutrients?
Important also to know is that these nutrients are only available when the dough is properly fermented, breaking down the phytic acid that inhibits the absorption of these nutrients.

The malt leaven bread is properly fermented and contains wild yeast and bacteria that break down the phytic acid. That way you will absorb the zinc, copper, magnesium and other important nutrients in the grain.
Bread made with yeast leaves no chance for the bacteria to do their job, and so the above mentioned nutrients cannot be absorped. This could in my opinion very well be another factor in the rise of brain diseases like Alzheimer's, Autism, and A.D.D. (AAA, triple A).

Malt Leaven Bread is based on sprouted barley.
It has:
  1. no yeast
  2. beyond organic, contains ascension day dew drops
  3. spelt or rye, no degenerated grains, e.g. wheat.
  4. pre-digested light gluten

Spelt has a light gluten that is completely different from the powerful stretchable gluten in modern wheat that is causing digestive problems.

Varieties :
  • Whole Spelt
  • Light Spelt
  • Spelt/ Rye
  • Spelt Honey Oat
Please fill out the included order form and return to me.

Thanks for your patronage, Koen

ph: 518 821 2148

Philmont CSB Order Form

Name: Whole Spelt Spelt/ Rye Light Spelt Spelt Honey Oat